Welcome to the City of New Crown!

Welcome to New Crown, the brightest city on the Internet! Come enjoy our resident benefits! Applications to become a resident acquire a booth are open! Citizenship Application Booth Application

New Crown was established on Decemeber 17, 1907, We are continuning our virtal remodel to be able to provide service through the change of the millennium coming up in three years! We are dedicated to serving the community in the most efficent ways possible, so please have patience through this remodel.To access different pages use the Metro (in the box at the top of the page)

Welcome (again) to New Crown, take a look around town and please sign our guestbook! Free GuestbookHere! Shimmering Golden Pixel Crown

Hi, I am the creator of this website. Whatever you see one in of these boxes is not happening in the world of the city. It is me talking directly to you. This is non-digetic. I emplore you to loook around and explore, but most of all. Don't talk about... What I meant is enjoy yourselves.

Pages to Look Out For!

Check Me For News!
News Update: Festival Vita Ex Foila is coming up get ready for an awesome celebration!
New Crown