Anastasia's Corner

About Me!

Hello, my name is Anastasia Hartung (she/her) and I am the current sitting mayor of New Crown. This is my first term as mayor and I am currently finishing my education before taking on the role of mayor full-time. If you have questions for the current acting "mayor" (my deputy mayor) check out their page here. My team and I are currently revamping the New Crown Website, as I bet you have noticed things are under alot of work so please be gracious about functions not working properly. We will get to it as soon as we can.

New Crown? What is it?

New Crown is an online city that was founded on the idea of endless creativity, the city is always evolving and changing. Residents of New Crown get a booth of their own in a City District that aligns with thier content creation! You can fill out the form here. If Sam is an animator who animates skits, then they would get a booth in the Entertainment District! If a citizen wants to change their booth's location, they would fill out this form. Their request would be processed, reviewed, and granted! Viola! Booth moved! If citizen is looking to change their content focus and would like move their booth they fill out this form. For more information on citizen booths and procedures click here!

Booth information & Such

Please clink this to head to the information board. You will find the information on almost anything New Crown related and if you are looking to get help finding your place on New Crown check out this article.

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